
Hello, and welcome to SMHclimate! SMHclimate is an organization created by Neilay Maloo and Om Khairnar.

Our Purpose

Growing up, we were exposed to the harsh treatment of our environment: from litter on the ground to rising sea levels in the Atlantic Ocean. When we were little, we realized there was not a lot we could do, but as high schoolers we know we can help change the world for the better. We started this blog to raise awareness and educate people about Climate Change. The harsh truth is, not enough people understand, or even believe, in this worldwide disease that we know as climate change and we want to change that.


We will be releasing blogs either on general climate change-related problems, or the news of the week. We aren’t here to bore you with useless facts about the environment or with our political opinions, but instead, teach our readers about how they affect the environment on a day to day basis and how climate change can affect us in the future.


Educate and raise awareness on Climate Change and how we can help stop it. 


A Cleaner, Greener Earth!
