
Carbon Pricing, explained

Carbon Pricing, explained

I am sure many people (including us) have told you to switch to clean energy or eat less meat in the past, and for good reason, too. These are important solutions to incorporate into a successful climate change strategy, but many of these solutions are limited to very specific niches of climate change and cannot lead to widespread transformation. I mean, how many Tesla’s can we buy? There is one solution, however, that has increasingly been gaining traction that would be able to control greenhouse gas emissions from various angles: carbon pricing. Admittedly, carbon pricing may seem like a complicated concept at first but, as you will understand through this article, it can serve as a major step toward climate change mitigation.

Greenwashing In A Nutshell

I was watching TV this week and saw a Whole Foods commercial that really intrigued me. This ad had been running for a while but for some reason, it caught my attention this time. At first glance, you’ll see that the commercial has an upbeat tone with a lot of bright visuals. But you’ll also find that there’s a lot of greenery and “outdoorsy-ness” in the ad along with some environment-related buzzwords (eco-revolutionary, green missionary, sustainable, etc.). At first, I didn’t think much of it, so I just moved on. But a couple of days later, I needed to go for groceries and went straight to Whole Foods. Was it because of the commercial??? (Hint: there’s a good chance it was) It was at that moment I knew… I had been greenwashed!