
Carbon Pricing, explained

Carbon Pricing, explained

I am sure many people (including us) have told you to switch to clean energy or eat less meat in the past, and for good reason, too. These are important solutions to incorporate into a successful climate change strategy, but many of these solutions are limited to very specific niches of climate change and cannot lead to widespread transformation. I mean, how many Tesla’s can we buy? There is one solution, however, that has increasingly been gaining traction that would be able to control greenhouse gas emissions from various angles: carbon pricing. Admittedly, carbon pricing may seem like a complicated concept at first but, as you will understand through this article, it can serve as a major step toward climate change mitigation.

Environmental Justice: A Mix Of Social Justice And Climate Change

Last month, President Biden signed legislation passed by a vast majority of lawmakers in both the House and Senate that made Juneteenth a national holiday in remembrance of the emancipation of slaves on June 19, 1865. There is a large consensus that this is a particularly important holiday to celebrate, especially as race increasingly becomes a topic of discussion in today’s day and age. We thought that to commemorate this holiday, we should add a unique spin and talk about the overlap between social justice and climate change: environmental justice. 

Joe Biden vs. Climate Change

We all know that climate change is a big deal, but addressing it is an even bigger issue. In the United States, especially, there hasn’t been significant progress made ever since the problem was first brought to national attention decades ago. In fact, seeing the outright denial of climate change and, therefore, lack of substantial political action has been quite disappointing, to be frank. Let me make clear that this is purely my opinion, but I think it’s kind of ironic how the people we elect into office, people we trust to make decisions in our best interest, have severely underperformed in tackling an issue that has devastated several vital parts of our country and will also increasingly continue to do so.